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Contract-Free Point of Sale System POSiSales Keeps Your Business on Track and Saves

Contract-Free Point of Sale System POSiSales keeps your business on track and saves the business dollars. You want to avoid hiccups, hang-ups, and anything that will make the sale difficult or fall through. It means the POS system you use should be flexible, easy to use, readily allow change of pricing, allow fractional invoicing when selling by weight, provide discounts, all the things that allow a sale to proceed seamlessly to a processed invoice and receipt. And POSiSales does this par excellence.

POSiSales is one such app. It provides a point of sale solution to businesses in just about any space, allowing for the ability to customize your order taking workflow, order filling, a customer database, payment customizations, tax management and reports. POSiSales runs on the iPad, so startup costs are not outrageous and you don’t have bulky machines taking up counter space.

On the business side of things, retailers can easily keep track of services and products they offer and sell. This could be cleaning services, gardening services, home maintenance, massage therapy, salon services, restaurants, gift shops, and so much more. POSiSales allows the retailer to easily upload information about what they sell, along with any detailed information about those products and/or services. The interface to enter this information is very straightforward and easy to use and it allows you to edit as needed. Products and services can be classified into categories based on the retailer’s preference on groupings.

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